From the Next Areopagus Volume – The Politics of Witness
Allan Bevere provides an extract.
[Feb.10, 2017] 9:15 AM This week I just happened to read David Frum’s How to Build an Autocracy. (Autocracy’s a good Greek word, by the way.) It’s a pretty creepy disquisition (don’t ever expect dystopian essays to be happy reading), but I’ve been in enough foreign countries to understand how democracy can be — and…
2:12 PM I just finished editing the next addition to our Areopagus series, The Politics of Witness, by my co-editor Allan Bevere. Allan’s goal is clear: the abolition of Constantinianism. He writes: In other words, the church’s first task is not to work to coerce the state to take care of the poor. The church’s…
Bottom line: Allan draws a very convincing portrait of the changes in the witness of the church starting with everyone's favorite whipping boy, Constantine. The more I read, the more convinced I become that the so-called Constantinian Shift was the worst thing that has happened to the church in its nearly two thousand year history…