Editorial Work Started on our Next Book

9:23 AM As co-editor (with Allan Bevere) of the Areopagus Series, I am delighted to have received this morning a new manuscript that we will begin editing this weekend. The author is David Croteau of Liberty University. David received his Ph.D. under Andreas Köstenberger here at SEBTS. His dissertation was published as You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe? A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010). David also edited Perspectives on Tithing: 4 Views (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2011). His current project is titled Tithing After the Cross and is slated to appear early next year. A preview:

I recently was on a radio show and an offended caller questioned the radio show host asking why in the world she would put someone on the air who was trying to deconstruct tithing? How on earth could that be edifying to the body of Christ? The caller was convinced my ploy was to coerce people to give less! If you think my purpose in this book is simply to deconstruct tithing or to convince you to give less, you’ll be sorely disappointed.

God is calling every Christian to learn the secret of service to a world in need, not just in terms of our spiritual gifts but in terms of our stewardship of the possessions He allows us to manage. I'm hoping this book will be a prod in this direction.

(From Dave Black Online. Used by permission.)

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