Obey God Rather than Humans
Bob Cornwall, author of Areopagus volume Untilmate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord's Prayer, meditates on Acts 5, and his thoughts lead him to Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador.
Bob Cornwall, author of Areopagus volume Untilmate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord's Prayer, meditates on Acts 5, and his thoughts lead him to Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador.
Dave Black (co-editor of the Areopagus Series) has a post today that relates to the Areopagus volume Tithing After the Cross. It’s titled How Those Who Have Should Give.
Chris Smith wrote the featured review our Ultimate Allegiance, the most recent volume in the Areopagus series, concluding: We review a lot of books here at the Englewood Review, and our primary selection criteria is books that can be read and discussed in churches, and that will be beneficial in helping churches understand and embody…
Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord's Prayer by Robert D. Cornwall is now available for the Amazon.com Kindle.
11:42 AM This morning I’ve been sitting beside a warm fire in my library pouring over the final page proofs of the latest book in our Areopagus series, Bob Cornwall’s Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. I have long felt that our usual method of reading the Disciples’ Prayer needed a corrective;…
You can find news and discussion about Ultimate Allegiance on its new domain, ultimateallegiance.com.
James Lee at Deliver Detroit is giving away a free copy of Except for Fornication. Check out his post for details.