Editor Dave Black on Ultimate Allegiance
11:42 AM This morning I’ve been sitting beside a warm fire in my library pouring over the final page proofs of the latest book in our Areopagus series, Bob Cornwall’s Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer.
I have long felt that our usual method of reading the Disciples’ Prayer needed a corrective; and this book is it. The authors of our little series represent a larger tension in the academic world: Luther versus Erasmus, revolution versus reform, a brave new approach versus the patching up of an old garment. Cornwall’s book will delight and surprise you, I think. When I first read it I thought back to a Denkmal in Worms, Germany, and its famous plaque: “Hier stehe Ich, Ich kann nicht anders.” I hope many small group Bible studies will find the book interesting and profitable.
(From Dave Black Online. Used by permission.)
Thank you for this warm embrace of the book. I’m looking forward to seeing how the public engages with it and the prayer under discussion!